I am excited for you too! I cannot tell you how important my Tangle reading has become, specifically during this Covid panic period where we are getting bombarded daily by clickbait agenda reporting. I lost my job so I can pretty much only do the monthly but I seriously want to see this grow to influence-level-reporting. It is so IMPORTANT right now more than ever. I truly feel like I have been able to cut the puppet strings now that I have Tangle. Keep up the battle and the great work, it is helping so many people like me who simply don't know where we "fit" politically anymore. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

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Carrie, thank you so much for such a kind note and the incredible support! I really appreciate doing what you can during this difficult time and I’m so thrilled Tangle has become a source of information for you. Your comment here is so motivating and encouraging, big things coming!

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