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Here's my take:

We might be making a quantum leap here:

There is a positive here. Since the civil rights movements of the 60's there really hasn't been a quantum leap of progress, with the exception of the election of Obama. Kaepernick's protest made many headlines and many people uneasy. It inspired a lot of conversation, unfortunately, too much of it was to redirect people into understanding it was about the prevalence of institutional racism in this great country. Nothing really changed with all the talk about Kaepernick's protest.

But in the wake of all of the riots this week, for the first time we are seeing police departments and members of the legal system marching with and expressing anger with what we are all seeing.

It is being realized and I hope this is the first step in change.

As further situations come up our police departments, governor's and mayors can decide between holding the party line and establishing a police state with destruction or acknowledging the problem, agreeing with the outraged masses and work towards making sure the injustices down get a foothold in their societies.

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