I appreciate the balanced coverage. I do not understand the context of Larry Elder’s “black face of white supremacy.” Is this just a humorous jab at detractors of President Trump and Elder? Or is this Elder’s embrace of white supremacy, despite being Black?

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Elder vs Newsom was an epic battle of negativity (ie, hate) between the media elites versus the political and academic elites. As Scott Siskind said, earlier today, "If you're a Republican, Fox News is trustworthy because it tells you the ways Democrats are bad. Some people say it's biased or inaccurate, but those people are Democrats or soft-on-Democrat RINO traitors. And if you're a Democrat, academic experts are completely trustworthy. If someone challenges them, you already know those challenges must be vile Republican lies. Lack of access to opposing views has been replaced with lack of tolerance for opposing views. And so, instead of the public having to hate all elites, any given member of the public only needs to hate half of the elites."

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I think that the Democrats showed their true colors in this recall. They turned a deaf ear to the "black face of white supremacy" and woman in a gorilla mask throwing eggs at Elder. They even rallied around the phrase "black face of white supremacy". This sort of thing is happening nationwide as well. I did not vote for Elder because of his policies, or lack there of, but I thought it was a sick display and I hope people take note.

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