I'm intrigued by the term "assault weapon" (which one of my friends defines as "any weapon that is black"). Do soldiers under attack put down their assault weapons and pick up defense weapons?

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Had not seen the Judges comments about the coronavirus or the background knowledge on him. Judges always seem like such strange people with this very high and mighty attitude...

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You would gift a Swiss Army knife to a 10-year old, Isaac? I was barely 18 when the US government gifted me an M16--equivalent to the AR15--that I carried for 19 months in Vietnam as a USMC corporal in 2nd ANGLICO. In 1968, LBJ personally gifted me a medal for using it effectively. I have had no use for firearms ever since, and do not own one, but I will never let California take away my right to do so. Want to save lives? Take our cars, our whiskey, our cigarettes, the sofas we sit on to watch TV. Not our guns.

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